The most effective solutions in the treatment of cancer are obtained using a multidisciplinary approach because oncology is an area that requires the collaboration andco-decision of many branches of science. The consultation of physicians in different branches is extremely important in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and requires close teamwork. In multidisciplinary structures, specialists in different branches come together, reach a joint decision and share the responsibility. As a result, centers working under a multidisciplinary structure obtain more successful results in the treatment and follow-up of cancer that is in the field of oncology.
The diagnosis and treatment of all cancers is evaluated using a multidisciplinary approach in Saglik Hospital Cancer Centers. The services offered in the centers include scanning programs for the early diagnosis of cancer, identifying people who are healthy but at risk ofcancer and informing these people and their relatives about cancer prevention.
Denizli Saglik Hospital offers you world class technology.
Saglik Hospital Healthcare Group has brought the latest technology to Turkey. With its highly developed technology, its technological devices and wealth of knowledge and experience, Saglik Hospital offers its patients state of the art technologies used worldwide on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Treatments that we provided to our patients;
Chemotherapy (Medicated Therapy): Chemotherapy aims to destroy cancerous cells that grow in an uncontrolled manner due to some changes in their structures. In most cases, the aim is to kill cancerous cells by administering several medications through different mechanisms. The most recent developments in this field are monitored with effective treatments applied at ACIBADEM Oncology Centers, in line with global standards.
Hormone Therapy: Hormonal drugs are used in the treatment of tumors that are sensitiveto hormones, such as prostate and breast cancers. Drugs are generally administered orally. Another application method is injection.
Immunotherapy (Treatment of the Immune System): Substances that the immune system naturally produces are used to identify and kill cancerous cells by alerting the body’s immune system.
Target-Driven Biological Therapy: One of the most important developments of the last decade in cancer treatment has been the development of highly effective biological therapies with relatively few side effects and which identify targets that are present in cancerous cells but not in normal cells. Such target-driven therapies established for cancertreatment are effective options for many types of cancer and are successfully implemented
in many cancer types, especially in breast cancer, intestinal cancer and renal cancer.