These specialist branches require specialized training. In addition to standard ENT training, our experienced ear, nose, throat and audiology specialists at Saglik Hospital have undergone further training. Our hospitals are fully equipped with cutting-edge technology and all ear, nose and throat procedures currently available around the world are successfully performed.
When you arrive at Saglik Hospital’s Ear, Nose and Throat Clinics you will be examined in an extremely modern, fully equipped room (rigid and flexible endoscope;digital recording system) by highly trained physicians who will ensure that you receive proper treatment. Saglik Hospital’s ear, nose and throat specialists work closely with other specialists to provide comprehensive care for patients.
Surgical techniques used in the treatment of our patients;
Snoring and sleeping disorders Patients who suffer from snoring and sleep apnea are examined at our clinic. Sleeping disorders are determined at the sleep laboratory after which suitable methods of treatment (either surgical or CPAP – a mask which administers air pressure to keep airways open) are suggested.
Our Rhinology department successfully administers medical and surgical procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of nasal congestion, allergy treatments, and medical and surgical treatment of sinus conditions. Congenital problems of the nose such as choanal atresia can be successfully managed.
Endoscopic techniques are widely administered in sinus surgery today. Our clinic uses the most developed and most recent “Surgical Navigation System” which reduces the risk of complications resulting from surgery. In this way, potential side effects are reduced to extremely low levels. This technology is particularly helpful in patients who have undergone previous surgeries resulting in an altered anatomy or patients with tumors.